Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Purpose of Life

Now that most of us are going to be High School graduates, have you ever thought about what your future would be like? I don't know about you, but let me tell you, if you have not set any goals for the future, you will not live your life meaningfully.

Just like as the new year begins, we make a new year's resolution. We tend to look at it and sometimes we tend to forget about it. That is what makes our new year more enjoyable, right? In this case, sometimes we can't forget our life goals. Without making our life goals, we will not be able to see the direction we are heading to. It's okay to switch up our goals every now and then, it just means we want to do something different in the future. Or even our dreams have changed, and that is totally fine.

Most of us as a child, we say we want to do something great in the future. Although we don't have a certain plan at that time, it was fine only because we were so little. Now, we still say we want to do something great in the future, but how do we get there? Soon, our parents will let us pursue our dream, but how do we pursue our dream? To be able to pursue our dream, we have to make goals that we can look at from time to time to know where we are headed. That's the purpose of our life.

Last week, I went to my Youth Group and had a little discussion with some of my fellow friends. The theme of the discussion was, "Our future". Each one of us had to tell our goals for the Youth Group as well as our own personal goals. I was shocked at first to hear someone ask me that question, only because I had not goals for my personal life. I only had goals for my Youth Group. Therefore, I had to make something up. So, I said, "My personal goals are to be successful, expand my knowledge in education, and to support my family." Then I realized, that is my purpose in life, but what is it that I really want to do in life that can fulfill my purpose in life? I came to realize that, my purpose in life is to do what makes me happy, because if it makes me happy, it will surely make someone else happy.

I believe in goal setting to help guide us to where we want to be. It may not always be the only source to help us on our path, but it is an encouragement. If we are heading West and our goals are East, we know that we should turn around and head East. I encourage my fellow friends and classmates to set goals on their future. Little things like this, helps us look back and think about how great our life is now. Fulfilling our purpose in life feels like helping the world one person at a time.

What are your goals in life?

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