Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again...

Grades and homework - who needs them when college is so near?

Second semester seems to be a little troubling for some senior students. The lack of motivation to me seems to be the anxiousness to go to college after being accepted. I know for a fact that majority of my fellow classmates feel as if a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once that acceptance letter has hit the mailbox. I, myself have a bad case of Senioritis. I feel like an illness has struck me and that has been my excuse to not do or finish my classwork/homework - well, that's Senioritis for you. 

Some if not, most of teachers know that second semester is the semester that majority of their seniors slack off. Depending on the teacher, the quality of the work may vary. Some teachers maintain the amount of workload to students and expect the same effort from students. While, some teachers know that second semester is the time to slack off and understand why students don't want to work as much as they did for the past three years of high school, and don't give much work. Then, there are teachers who don't give a smack and dump a ton of work to the students.

There may be parents that have same perspectives as teachers do. I know for a fact that my parents would not care if I had Senioritis or not, they would tell me to work harder. Unfortunately, that does not work in the real world to some students. They think that they are now eighteen, they can decide for themselves. Well, I can tell that some decisions are not the right decisions. With that said, having Senioritis and not having the motivation to do your work so you can pass your provision statement, is not the right decision.

This may help, it may not, but now that we have been accepted to a college, we should not neglect our workload in high school. We say we are ready for college, but are we really?! I think we say we are ready for college is because we want to be done with high school and not have to worry about all that workload in college. Wrong, in college, we are on our own. In high school, our teachers have been spooning us with loads of information and expects us to know the information, while us students, we take that information and we regurgitate it, as if we know the information. I heard from a friend that in college, professors HATE it when their students regurgitate information. It tells the professors that we have not learned anything.

We may have Senioritis now, but will we have Senioritis when we are in college? Second semester is to prepare for exams and get us prepared for college. If we are like this, how will we ever learn our mistake and move on? We should keep doing our work and keep our focus. Just because summer is coming up is no excuse for us to slack off. I don't think we would be very happy if we were to fail a class and our dream college has revoked our admission because of Senioritis. This goes for me as well, so don't worry if I'm calling you out. With only three to four weeks left of senior year, I have to figure a way to get all my assignments in, study for AP exams, final exams, and most of all, placement exams. Wow... Now that I see how much I have to do, I regret slacking off. Don't you?

Let's work together to better our habits, now that we have had our fun, let's be serious now! I hope all my fellow classmates can get something out of this blog. Remember, in my last blog I said, "Your actions are what describes you", I mean it! You don't want your dream college to see that you have tried all three years and now you have failed to please them with your second semester grades. Let us finish these last few weeks with a bang, have fun on our summer vacation, and start a new life in college!

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
                             - Og Mandino

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